TCP IP Mobile Computing MCQ

TCP IP Mobile Computing MCQ


TCP IP Mobile Computing MCQ


1. TCP supports many of the Internet’s most popular application protocols and resulting applications, including the –


a. World Wide Web,

b. e-mail

c. File Transfer Protocol and Secure Shell

d. All of the above

Answer d: All of the above


2. In the Internet protocol suite, TCP is the intermediate layer between the —–

a. Internet layer and application layer

b. Mobile laver and application layer

c. Transport layer and application layer

d. Session layer and application layer

Answer a


3. The major responsibilities of TCP in an active session are to:

a. Provide reliable in-order transport of data

b. Control congestions in the networks

c. Control a packet flow between the transmitter and the receiver

d. All of the above

Answer d


4. In TCP protocol to mitigate congestion, TCP —————–the transmission rate dramatically.

a. Stop the transmission

b. Wait to resolve the congestion

c. Slows down

d. None of the above

Answer C


5. The behavior of TCP shows after the detection of congestion is called

a. Slow start

b. Slows down

c. Wait to restart

d. None of the above

Answer a


6. In TCP during the slow start doubling the congestion window, every time acknowledgments come back until reaching the congestion threshold is called

a. The exponential growth of the congestion window

b Doubling the growth of the congestion window

c. Linear growth of the congestion window

d. None

Answer  a


7. As soon as the congestion window reaches the congestion threshold, further increase of the transmission rate is only linear by adding ……… to the congestion window each time the acknowledgments come back.

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

4. None of the above

Answer a


8. In TCP/IP, ———————— is a congestion control algorithm that makes it possible to quickly recover lost data packets.

a. fast retransmit and fast recovery

b. Fast retransmit

c. Fast recovery

d. None of the above

Answer a


9. Due to packet loss due to transmission error the sender can now retransmit the missing packet(s) before the timer expires. This behavior is called

a. Fast retransmit

b. Fast recovery

c. Congestion control

d. None

Answer a


10. Problems with Traditional TCP in wireless environments is/are

a. Slow Start mechanism in fixed networks decreases the efficiency of TCP if used with mobile receivers or senders.

b. Error rates on wireless links are orders of magnitude higher compared to fixed fiber or copper links. This makes compensation for packet loss by TCP quite difficult.

c. Mobility itself can cause packet loss. There are many situations where a soft handover from one access point to another is not possible for a mobile end-system.

d. All of the above

Answer d




11. Indirect TCP segments a TCP connection into a fixed part and a ——-

a. wireless part

b. wired part

c. either wireless part or wired part

d. None of the above

Answer c


12. In I-TCP a suitable place for segmenting the connection is at the …………………… as it not only controls the mobility of the mobile host anyway and can also hand over the connection to the next foreign agent when the mobile host moves on.

a. Router

b. Home agent

c. Foreign agent

d. Access point

Answer c


13. Disadvantages of I-TCP includes –

a. Loss of end-to-end semantics

b. Higher latency possible

c. Security issues

d. All of the above

Answer d


14. In the I TCP the Foreign Agent (FA) becomes or acts as a —— and relays data in both directions

a. Proxy

b. Router

c. Node

d. Access point

Answer a


15. Which of the following buffers data close to the mobile host to perform fast local retransmission in case of packet loss.

a. Indirect TCP

b. Snooping TCP

c. Foreign agent

d. None of the following

Answer b


16. A new enhancement, which leaves the TCP connection intact and is completely transparent, is ———–

a. Mobile TCP

b. Snooping TCP

c. I TCP

d. None

Answer a


17. M-TCP is specially adapted to the problems arising from lengthy or frequent ————–

a. Delay packet

b. Packet loss

c. disconnections

d. None

Answer c: Disconnection


18. In which of the following the sender can now determine precisely which packet is needed and retransmit it?

a. I TCP

b. M TCP

c. Selective transmission

d. None of the above

Answer c: Selective transmission


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