Issues and Challenges in Mobile Computing Technology

Issues and Challenges in Mobile Computing Technology

Issues and Challenges in Mobile Computing Technology –

Due to technology growth distances become short, communication becomes easy, data transfer is enriched, but there are so many issues and challenges in the domain that need to be researched and addressed to make mobile computing more secure, robust and reliable. Some important issues are discussed here.

 Low bandwidth

Mobile internet access is slower than the fixed desktop connection while using GSM and other advanced technologies such as 3G, 4G, and 5G. Local wireless connection offers Mbit/s of speed and wide wireless connection offers only Kbit/s of speed. There is a requirement of using more bandwidth while using such advanced mobile technologies so that the user can transfer data at a higher speed while the user is mobile.

Lower security

When working with mobile people are completely dependent on the public network which can be easily tracked and hacked by hackers. There is a big problem with the security of data while transferring from one mobile device to another device. Therefore to protect the data from eavesdropping there is a need for strongly secured algorithms of authentication and security.

Money transaction is a very sensitive area and it is the target on the hackers. Internet frauds related to money are huge. Therefore more research and development is needed to provide more secure methods to transfer the information.

Transmission interferences

Radio transmission cannot be protected therefore there is higher transmission interference due to electric engines, lightening,  high buildings, mountains, weather conditions, etc., all this results in a higher loss of data rate and bit errors.

Shared medium

Radio access is a shared medium because it is just impossible to give dedicated radio access to all the users. However, different techniques are deployed still so many questions are unanswered such as how to provide quality of service to each user sharing radio access.

Ad-hoc networking

Wireless and mobile computing allow ad-hoc networking without a prior set of infrastructure between senders and receivers. This creates several challenges and issues before the network administration such as the reliable and secure connections between sources to destination.

Dynamic topology again a challenging issue for a reliable connection from one point to another point.

High delays, large delay variation

A serious problem faced by Internet protocols is variations in link characteristics. In wireless transmission delays of various seconds occur that create so many problems in transmission and communication.

Also, links are asymmetrical and provide different service qualities depending on the wireless devices.

Regulations and spectrum

Due to technical and political reasons, very limited frequencies are available.  This is also a serious issue in mobile computing that need to addressed and researched.

Power consumption

When a power supply is not available mobile devices totally depend on battery power. There is a need to use some resources that can provide power supply at a cheaper cost and with ease.

Potential health hazards:

People use a mobile phone and other mobile devices while driving that again creates problems and prone to accidents. Moreover, mobile devices are found injurious for health if not used carefully. Therefore there is a need to research and develop mobile devices which are perfect for health whether you are in mobile or in rest.


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